Form Cover

Scientists and Experts - Register on The Good Scientists Platform

The Good Scientists is a volunteer-run platform where scientists can engage in social impact projects. We make this possible by creating a dynamic online community where scientists and experts can interact with NGOs, non-profits and civil society organisations, and mission-driven stakeholders on a single platform.

Our platform consists of a marketplace of social impact projects provided by societal stakeholders, including the challenges that they are facing and the questions they have, and scientists and experts can start a discussion with them to provide free support and transfer valuable and helpful knowledge. Scientists can also post about the current projects that they are involved in and how they think NGOs or civil society could benefit from their research.

We hope to kick off a valuable conversation between academic researchers and volunteering impact-driven associations and, eventually, to foster global scientific cooperation.

Register in this form to join our platform. We will accept applications from scientists and expert professionals who share our motivation to create social and environmental impact with their research.

The Good Scientists team

Website | LinkedIn | Twitter

Please, separate them with a comma.

200 words limit

Please, separate them with a comma.

Examples include NGOs, civil society organisations, policymakers, the general public, companies, etc.

This answer will NOT determine your probability of being selected in our platform. We welcome researchers without any volunteering experience.


By sharing it, you agree for your LinkedIn profile to be shared with participants on the platform.


By sharing it, you agree for your Twitter profile to be shared with participants on the platform.

By sharing it, you agree for this link to be shared with participants on the platform.

By sharing it, you agree for this link to be shared with participants on the platform.

Type "None" if you don't have additional affiliations and/or conflicts of interest.